torsdag 9 april 2015

Logbook week 15

Activity: I read a text from News In Levels. The text was about dolphins. 

Hard Words:
Marine - Sjöfarare
Shallow - Grund
Prevent - Hindra/ förhindra
Herd - Driva/ valla
Reach - Räckhåll


Two bottlenose dolphins were swimming up a river in Western Australia, possibly chasing fish. Marine rangers secured the dolphins by placing them on sheets. 10 people lifted one of the dolphins. They were transported to deeper water. The male dolphins were healthy but tired after the swimming. 


A gorilla named Amelia fell into a five - metre moat. Her older sister Ania tried to save Amelia but was scared off by a power cable and fell down. The pair climbed up the other side onto the visitor’s arena which was evacuated by the zoo staff.

Hard words:
Moat - Vallgrav
Ditch - Dike/ vallgrav
Attempt - Försöka
Climb - Klättra/ klättrade
Passing - Förbigående/ förbipasserande

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